who am i ?
thought long and hard about who i really am? and after continous study, i realised, i am not the body, it is just a covering controlled by the senses, i am not the senses, it is controlled by the mind, i cant be the mind, it dies with the body, and is not present during deep sleep, then who am i ? i could be the life force which keeps the body alive, but it must be controlled by something else, which is still alive when the body dies, what is it? i know it is the soul. and through study i know it is consciousness, pure awareness, intelligence. so i am this intelligence with no form. which makes me aware of my existence and others, its the eye of the eye, mind of the mind, and ear of the ear, it supports all, yet noone supports it, then i thought, to be aware of something else ,there needs to be consciousness there as well, just like to see something there needs to be light at both the places. so i find me the consciousness cognizing something with consciousness, and ofcourse this consciousness has to be the same all pervading consciousness. so, in reality, there is just one consciousness which jbecoming aware of itself brings in divisibility, of you, it, me mine etc.. i get that... now as they say this consciousness being the intelligent being that is, thought of everything that we see around. and throughbgross mixtures of the five elements we have this world in its diversity, but the fact remains, that nothing actually has ever been created. its still a thought, its still being thought of and due to the veiling and projecting power of maya, we feel that things are actually happening, when really, this all is still just being thought of.. so ... there really is no me, no you, no world, no money, and no life or death. when nothing really does exist, then why do we fight for land, wealth, power, women, sex everything, who does it belong to? cant we just act as the instruments we really are, and through love, compassion and respect for one another, work together to achieve our goal of self knowledge and self realisation.
i am sute it can be done, through love for all, care for all, help for all, we have to live like one big family, cos that is the only truth, we are all one, thats our real nature, we need to act like one. there is nobody my own parent, friend or lover, cos it cannot be, equaninimity is the first step towards realisation, to free oneself of false ego. is it really that difficult to understand? when can we all free ourselves of these bondages of attraction, aversion, love, attachment, mine,yours,theirs etc. and become just one... cos that one is all and all is just one
peace, peace, peace
i am sute it can be done, through love for all, care for all, help for all, we have to live like one big family, cos that is the only truth, we are all one, thats our real nature, we need to act like one. there is nobody my own parent, friend or lover, cos it cannot be, equaninimity is the first step towards realisation, to free oneself of false ego. is it really that difficult to understand? when can we all free ourselves of these bondages of attraction, aversion, love, attachment, mine,yours,theirs etc. and become just one... cos that one is all and all is just one
peace, peace, peace
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